after submitting your subscription
We truly appreciate your subscription and look forward to adding significant value to your trading journey with our free course and mentorship programs.
To ensure your subscription is completed smoothly, please check your inbox for a "verification" email with the subject line "Confirm your Subscription."
If you don't see it in your inbox, kindly check your spam folder and whitelist emails from to ensure you receive all our future messages.***
Click the link in the email to verify that you'd like to hear from us.
Once you've confirmed your subscription, you'll receive a second email with the subject line "Welcome to DayForex Training Services." This email contains a link to DayForex Training Central.
If you encounter any issues with this process, feel free to email me directly at
*** How to whitelist for some popular email providers
Gmail (Desktop & Mobile):
Outlook/Hotmail (MSN):
Apple Mail (iPhone/iPad):
Yahoo Mail: