module six
How to Trade
In 2004 I made an e-book Bird Watching in Lion Country - Retail Forex Trading available in some popular online market places where 'trading courses' were sold. It took about a year to become very popular. The trading strategy I presented was somewhat controversial as it flew in the face of everything that was punted at that stage as successful strategies. Sometimes I couldn't help to wonder if I was the only one on my own planet with this counter conventional approach.
As time went by, I realized that even though I have warned in the Intro to BWILC people should not take concepts in BWILC very literally, that was exactly what people did. I decided to do a major 'revision' in which I took a more liberal approach as to the content of the 4x1+1 approach and also introduced more about relational analysis. I also included a trading record of the 2007/07 - 2008/06 year's trading, when I pumped the profits.
Effectively I doubled up in presenting my approach and, to put it mildly, not giving anything to the strategies it directly opposed. Thus, that little bit of nervous tension remained. I 'wished' some real 'expert' in my eyes in the retail market could directly or indirectly 'approve' of the approach.
One of my clients made me aware of a little booklet with the title How to Trade.
It may be a little booklet, but it packed a huge punch.
It was just what I hoped for.
It was free, with no copyright
Published by Richard Olsen the founder of Oanda, the
US based retail forex brokerage.
I immediately worked it into my training material.
I knew it was going to help my clients to really "get it" quicker.
You can download it below.
The opportunity to trade for a living in 2025,
to make a sustained difference in your and your loved one's lives; or
to make a bigger contribution to household financial resources; or
to build a diversified investment portfolio over time; or
to build capital for that expected extra years of retirement; or
something else uniquely applicable to your situation
is much more realistic than ever before - if you can figure out a way to trade,
with confidence;
with low risk; and
with good odds to succeed.
In order to help you do just that you can download Richard Olsen's How to Trade below.
Also, if you are interested to find out more about my mentoring program you can download,
without any obligation, my Mentoring Questionnaire below. If you complete it and
send it back I will respond to your inputs and any questions you have.
To say thank you I will not only give you an official copy of Bird Watching in Lion Country
(still the primary source of my mentoring program) but also my 'formal' manual,
The Foreign Exchange Market (2018 update).
Download Richard Olsen's
booklet How to Trade
Download my Class of 2025
Mentoring Questionnaire